About this blog

My great Aunt Laura kept a scrapbook during her years of service in the USO. The scrapbook is falling apart and I've decided that the best way to perserve it is to scan the book item by item and post the images here. I'll most likely destroy the scrapbook in the process, but at least the images will live on.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Letter from P.F.C. Frank Anderson

Envelope reads:

P.F.C. Frank Anderson 39415023
Ft. Sill, Oklahoma 

Postmark from Lawton, OK Jul 3 9:30am 1944

Dear Laura,
I was lying here on my bunk and I started to think about you and Rockingham so I got up and here I am.

Saturday night, payday was yesterday and I'm not in town. I was beginning to think that my old age was getting the best of me.

I was thinking about the times I came into "Rock" on Saturday nights, talked with you and perhaps a dance or two. The Saturday afternoon we walked to the lake and all those little things we know. Memories are swell especially the pleasant ones. I guess I miss you quite a bit Laura. I kept thinking of the time I saw you at that formal dance when  you wore your dark formal, you were sure beautiful that night.

I'll close now Laura, got it off my chest. I hope you are doing great. I'll always be pulling for you.



  1. That's so nice. Very classy. NOTHING like today's correspondence.

  2. I know!! Who knows what they actually did on that walk around the lake but Frank sure has some fond memories of the day. ;)
